I have middle eastern type skin and dark hair. which method is more effective? laser hair removal Michigan also, how much does it cost? and how many visits are needed?
Answer:Well to start, electrolysis is the only form of hair removal that is recognized as permanent. Laser hair removal is effective in preventing hair re-growth and damaging the follicle so that you will see a reduction in hair but laser hair removal Michigan hormonal changes can easily restart growth, so that can be frustrating. Laser hair removal is ideal for people with very fair skin and very dark hair, think snow white. It requires 6-8 sessions to see consistent results and can be expensive at a few hundred dollars per session. I don't know too much about el ectrolysis, but am pretty confident in that being a better choice.
Answer:If your middle eastern skin is dark, go for electrolysis. If your skin is laser hair removal Michigan light, you might want to consider home laser hair removal. It will probably be less expensive and less painful.