Recently after I started shaving I started feeling self-concious about my arm hair.My mom tells me i'm just paranoid, laser hair removal Michigan but I really think i have a lot of arm hair. One time my brother even told me to shave it, so i did cuz i was tired of seeing it there. It's such a hassle to shave it though and I'm afraid people will think its weird if I have hairless arms. It's like I'm in no-win situation. My mom said she laser hair removal Michigan would get laser hair removal done on my arms if I want, but we have to do it soon before the summer. should i get it done or learn to live with my arm hair.
Answer:Laser Hair Removal is PERFECT for your situation. It sounds like you just want to thin the hair. As a result you laser hair removal Michigan can just get one or two treatments which will substantially reduce the volume and coarseness of the hair and it will not cost as much as full removal. My brother in law did this on his hands laser hair removal Michigan because he thought he looked like a werewolf and he is very happy. The attached site has a list of reputable providers.
Answer:wow, very laser hair removal Michigan bad idea. i think it would have been better to bleach them in the first place because im sure ur brother was just being jerky. learn to live with it, unless it grows back super thick. i know girls that look like gorrillas and they deal with it and they are beautiful, no laser hair removal Michigan one really examines ur arms...
Answer:leave it
Answer:well... id just leave it. its really not that big of a deal. unless its like monkey hairy (which is rare... i know two girls in my entire school with 1600) dont worry about it... people are so used to seeing that stuff that they dont reall y notice... its no big. that blonde idea may work too.... but, idk about that. you should prolly just learn to be yourself, however, id look into seeing if it was possible to make it blonde first, then laser hair removal Michigan i would decide on laser stuff... that is, only if you really hated your arm hair. i dont think you should do that though.
Answer:non-hairy-looking-baby-arms laser hair removal Michigan will look worse than arm hair. Go to a professional and ask then to turn it blond so it is hard to see.
Answer:Yea, shaving is a waste of time. Arm hair is sexy. Better have some then none....but thats just my opinion/
Answer:don't let people judge you because of that. Its what's inside that counts.