I live in California (Central Valley).As some of you may know, I am disabled. Therefore, it is more difficult for me to laser hair removal Michigan keep up with hygiene. And so, I have been considering using laser treatments to have my pubic hair removed. I have tried other temporary methods such as hair clippers, and I don't really like those that laser hair removal Michigan much because the blade pokes my skin way too much. From what I hear, waxing is even more painful.To the best of your knowledge, how much would you say it costs for a laser treatment on that particular area of the body? How many follow-up treatments are required? I am Caucasian and don't really tan much. I understand that laser treatments are relativ ely permanent solutions, but that is okay with me. laser hair removal Michigan I hate feeling itchy and sweaty all of the time. Plus, being hairless in that region laser hair removal Michigan will be beneficial for me in certain situations anyway. *wink, wink*Thank you in advance.
Answer:Hi, I'm currently getting the hair removal by laser done in my privates. It is called a Brazillian. You still have to shave before your treatment, but the difference is that the areas they do treat laser hair removal Michigan don't get itchy in the same way. You still get a sun burn type of itch but not as bad as the one you get from shaving alone. Being white with dark hair is best for successful treatments. The darker the hair the better focus the laser gets on the hair and not on your skin. Sex does feel laser hair removal Michigan great without hair and the smoothness is great. You do feel cleaner and easier to clean. Depending on how much perspiration you have down there, you may need to apply talc or baby powder during the warmer months or if you have many skin folds if you aren't able to lose weight or exercise (you did mention being laser hair removal Michigan disabled)... overall I recommend it, it is painful and costly and time consuming but when you are finished, you feel so much better. Cost depends on where, when, and with whom you get the treatment. Some places offer packages laser hair removal Michigan with warranties and others offer a-la-carte options where you can get as many treatments as you like or need. The packages end up being cheaper and sometimes these places offer monthly specials buy one buy the other half price, etc. You will most likely be buying numbing cream depending on your pain tollerance. The numbing cream will not "numb" the pain out completely, it only takes the main sting away; laser hair removal Michigan you will still feel like you are getting a tatoo and then your skin will feel like you have a sun burn (the burning sensation goes away in a day or laser hair removal Michigan so) and you get to apply after treatment lotion to the area. Consultation is usually free with most places, so go in and talk to them; they should be able to answer most of your questions...and I'm sure you're wondering about getting erections during treatment (even if you're not wondering)....I'll tell you that it happens not because you are turned on during the painful laser hair removal Michigan treatment, but sometimes the laser stimulates certain nerve bundles that end up echoing throughout the pelvic region. The nurses are professionals anyways they have seen many peepees in their lives...just don't be creapy about it. Good luck.
Answer:Why would yo u want to get rid of your pub it separates the men from the boys. Well unless you laser hair removal Michigan have a wild growing bush.