I recently bought one from YoungZebra and I started using it. Since I have an -extremly- large amount laser hair removal Michigan of hair, it takes more than awhile to clear a fairly small area. I used it on my arm and it left red spots. It kinda hurts too. The thing is, I really haven't seen any hair grow, So my question is, will the hair grow slower or did it dissappear?
Answer:i'm sorry to say but you've just wasted your money. laser hair removal Michigan These companies make it look like their product actually work and just basically steal your money, and by the way epila lasers are listed under scams.. if you dont believe me :http://www.hairtell.com/forum/ubbthreads...You should get it done professionally, becaus e you are likely to get the results you laser hair removal Michigan want, and your not risking in burning your skin. I know its very expensive to get it done professionally but im afraid thats the only realistic option.go to www.hairtell.com/forum [ then laser hair removal ] you'll find the answer to any questions and the people there are really helpful.take care!