Unfortunately no. Your hair comes laser hair removal Michigan in in different waves each time it grows. That is basically why people have to keep shvaing. Once you shave hair tends to also come back in larger amounts. Typically laser hair removal request at least four treatments to try and combat all the hair folicles. However, they really cannot guarantee it won't grow back after that they laser hair removal Michigan just hope not! If you do get it done good luck!
Answer:No, my mum had it done on her legs. She had to go back for more treatments as it doesn't work in just one go. I do remember she he not being able to wax during laser hair removal Michigan treatments and having to shave. You should go to your local clinic and check out the treatment and price. If it's something that bothers you try saving 10$ a wee k and then you never know, you might one day get it done. If you have the money then start looking into it if you really want it done now. Good luck!!
Answer:no not ususally....depends on how your hair and skin react
Answer:Depends how hairy you are sashquash.
Answer:its normally a thing where you get laser hair removal Michigan it done leave come back a month later then come back a month later etc. but i heard it works reall good