Saturday, June 27, 2009

laser hair removal Michigan: What type of schooling does it take to become a laser technician?

I am an licensed skin care specialist but I find that laser hair removal Michigan just performing facials isn't perhaps as fulfilling as doing something more technical would be. I live in NJ if that matters. I would like to perform laser hair removal, vein removal, wrinkle reduction etc...what kind of schooling or certification is necessary if any? Or could I just find someone that was willing to train me in these things? Any answers from people in the field would be very helpful. Thank you

Answer:try examtec they may be able to help you, they deal especially with beauty therapy exams, and have an advice laser hair removal Michigan page where you may be able to get more of an answer. www.examtec.comgood luck

Answer:If you ar e looking for laser education or laser training facilities, you should visit a directory dedicated solely to the cosmetic and surgical laser laser hair removal Michiganindustry. The best one I have found is Report Abuse