Saturday, June 27, 2009

laser hair removal Michigan: Is laser hair removal haram?

sallam brothers and sisters i have a question is laser hair removal haram in islam? thank you

Answer:Bismillah Rahman RaheemAssalamu'alaikum Warahamatullahi WabarakatuhIf your query is about pubic hair, it would not be permissible since this will entail a female/male looking into the private part of another female/male. This laser hair removal Michigan is not permissible according to the Shari'ah.If your question relate to those hair which you can remove, e.g. moustaches, beard, etc. then in this specific situation, it will be permissible. However, it is not permissible for female to trim/cut hair of the head. Question was answered by Small changes are included.Hope this laser hair removal Michigan helps.Your brother in Islam

Answer:I agree with Hasan

Answer:agree with Hassan

Answer:I dont see wh ats wrong with it but im not gonna laser hair removal Michigan say wheather its haram or not because i honestly dont know..

Answer:what i know is that what applies to other forms of hair removal applies to laser therapyit's very common among muslim women to get laser therapy it works best on fair skin and very dark hair and under direct supervision of a dermatologist , don't go to spa laser hair removal Michigan even if it's cheaper because it's a medical procedure not a facialthe only fatwa i got : the first answerer: thank you for your honesty, jazaak Allah khair ,i wish more people refrained from making up fatwas and deciding without knowledge what they feel is haraam and is halaal, i respect you for it.

Answer:Haraam because your changning the body that God gav e you. Plus it can give you cancer.

Answer:i dont think so laser hair removal Michigan , its not like abortion ur coming hairs.

Answer:dont think so

Answer:it's not haraam ^^^

Answer:Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Raheem was-salaat was-salaam `ala Nabiyyina wa Habeebina wa Mawlana Muhammadin wa `ala alihi wa sahibihi ajma`eenI dont see why not and i also dont see why you would want laser hair removal Michigan to do it? Unless your just wondering ofcourse

Answer:no if you have hair on for example on ur face then u may remove it to get the natural feminine look backhu do whatever makes u feel comfortable