Thursday, April 16, 2009

laser hair removal Michigan: A question on laser hair removal...guy contacts please don't click on this!!?

Has anyone ever gotten laser hair removal on their vag? I was laser hair removal Michigan thinking of just getting my bikini area done but now I'm wondering how painful/difficult it would be to just have it all taken off. Does it grow back?

Answer:Here's the thing Ellie, that no one tells us. When you get old and wrinkly, you lose your fat pad and your vulva shrivels up like a little raisin. At that point and time, you may want a little hair laser hair removal Michigan to cover up the nasty thing. That's why permanent hair removal down there may not be the best thing.

Answer:All of it.... thats pretty painful. But Just the bikini line laser hair removal Michigan wont be that bad. I once heard this story though about a girl that she was lasering her bikini and some of the numbing cream or something went in side of her, and she fell into a coma....I mean... thats an extreme story, but I want to get my bikini lasered because I get so many ingrowns, laser hair removal Michigan its just that I also fear the pain. But seriously, before you go to do that region, its going to hurt so badly that I recommend taking Vicodin or something.....

Answer:I can't answer for the bikini line part, but I have had laser hair removal in my armpits. Pain is subjective, but I thought it hurt quite a bit. It's kind of laser hair removal Michigan like having a rubber band snapped against your skin. I did three sessions and while it greatly reduced the amount of hair- it didn't remove it entirely. However, I did it 8 years ago so it might hurt less now. (it's too bad my SIL's dad-how I got it for free-decided to get laser hair removal M ichigan rid of his laser because it would have been nice if I never had to shave again). I think it depends on how much hair you have to determine how many sessions you would need.

Answer:My laser hair removal Michigan Sister In-Law
had it done, and she said it worked great. She is Italian, so you can only imagine. She had her lip and chin done too, and it looked fine afterwards.It's been about 3 years, and she still looks fine. Brags to laser hair removal Michigan her other Sisters about never having to shave. It was expensive though. BUT she is going to have her legs and arms done next.

Answer:Awww...come on, Ellie. Cowgirl up and let that bush grow wild and free! That's the sexiest option, and lends itself to a host of stylish possibilities.pubic laser hair removal Michigan cornrowspubic braids with bea dspubic french braidspubic fish bonepubic pony tailspubic pompadourpubic beehivepubic mullet

Answer:I like it au natural. Someday you might want to cover that shriveled up old germ incubator.

Answer:Bald eagle is the only way to go!!!! LOVE IT SHAVED and clean! Once we have extra money, i'll let my wife get everything lazer'd!

Answer:I am having the whole thing removed this laser hair removal Michiganweekend. The dr. said it was a relic like the appendix. Sounded right to me.

Answer:LET it grow ,Braid it put Beads in it wear it in dreds

Answer:Screw that. Let's bring bush back!