Hi I want to do laser hair removal for a certain place (you know what i mean i dont want to spell it out) but I dont know if there laser hair removal Michigan a is a certain age or something is there?? And how much will it cost? And is there anywhere in Conneticut (America) like in Cromwell or New Birtan or something. Please be specific thanx
Answer:Usually the treatment causes 1 to 3 hours and needs a repeated treatment every laser hair removal Michigan 6 months or 12 months until the whole hair follicle gets damaged. Repeated treatment is needed as some hair follicle get escaped. So how many times .....it depends on the machine, the person doing the treatment and finally the body nature of yours. A treatment session may cost $400 to $3000 and more according to the area and clinical chargesMy personal advice is to laser hair removal Michigan check for the natural ways of hair removal.Hair removal can be of two methods one is epilation and second is depilation First one removes hair laser hair removal Michigan entirely and the second one removes the hair thats above the surface of the skin. If you want to remove hair permanently or for a long time, you have to choose the first option. Epilation methods arePluckingWaxing ( Sugaring )ThreadingEpilatorsMedicationsTurmericElectrolysisLaserIntense pulsed lightVaniqaMore information can be found on how to remove hair from the above methods on www.beauticianworld.com/hairremoval.html .Depilation methods are also mentioned there
Answer:I've been wanting to get it done on my laser hair removal Michigan back and the last time I was looking into it it was around $500+ per session. They can't do alot at once, but for o ther regions of the body it may only take a single sitting... Just keep it shaved unless you really want to spend the money for it. Could cost up laser hair removal Michigan to $1k.
Answer:Idk where to find them exactly but you can search for that on http://www.google.com But laser hair removal costs about 500+ Maybe depending on how long, location[of hair being removed], or maybe there's just one fee...idk hope i was a help!
Answer:i hope u will find your answer here.http://beauty9.page.tl/Dye-Hair.htm