Has anyone had laser hair removal done and does it actually remove the hair permanently?
Answer:The only proven way to permanently do it, is through electrolysis.
Answer:Does it hurts?
Answer:check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to: Hairremoval/ blemishes/ Skincare/herbal tipshttp://geebal.blogspot.comRead...Free laser hair removal Michigan Beauty tips on....natural and homemade methods to:Skincare/Acne cure/Blemishes/Whiteheads/Blackheads/ Wrinkles/Freckles/Steaming/Haircare/Dandruff/Hairloss/Hairremoval... Henna on hair/Splitends/Oilyhair/Dryhair Nailcare/Manicure/Pedicure Eye care/Darkcircles/Puffiness/eyebags http://geebal.blogspot.com Free beauty tips on /Makeup/Hairstyles & photo gallery/ hair highlighting/ Weight loss etc... http://geebal.blogspot.com
Answer:I haven't do ne that but once I had to write an article on laser hair removal Michigan that. actually, depends on the area u want to remove the hair from and also ur skin and hair type. in most cases it is very effective, but there is NO permanent hair removal method. laser hair removal is advertised laser hair removal Michigan as one only because it gives a long-lasting result and can really reduce ur body hair growth to make it almost laser hair removal Michigan invisible.
Answer:A review of the various hair removal methods is available at http://tinyurl.com/ob6tt
Answer:I haven't had it - but apparently it does work IF:* you have light skin & dark hair* you keep going back for a few sessionsThe reason is because the darker hair absorbs more of the laser light. Also hair has a growth cycle, where for a few weeks it is sitting under the skin doing nothing, laser hair removal Michigan then it grows a bit, then eventually falls out and the cycle repeats. The reason for the multiple visits is to get all hairs in the active part of the cycle.I think you'll find they call this permanent hair REDUCTION, i.e. you'll have LESS hair permanently, not NO hair permanently - which is how most people read it.
Answer:A friend of mine has laser hair removal Michigan undergone through this laser hair removal operation but it seems that this is not an effective method as after a couple of months the hair grows again but if do the laser operation 2-3 times then it may remove it.SUKHDEEP SINGH
Answer:Read some useful hair removal tips and more on this site to help you with it