I'm thinking about getting laser hair removel on my face and arms. Is it worth getting? I have really dark hair but really light skin. Will it work. And does it hurtl?
Answer:I guess it works laser hair removal Michigan for some people.Not for me though. and it doesn't hurt but it is expensive and you have to go again and again and again...When I went they made a big deal about saying it's "permanent hair REDUCTION" not complete removal.it was an expensive waste of time for me.
Answer:my m0m g0t it but didnt w0rk 0n her it actually became w0rse ..but laser hair removal Michigan then it all depends 0n wat d0ct0r yu get n h0w go0d he/she iz..becuz the d0ct0r my m0m went 2 used the wr0ng thing that didnt g0 with her skin t0ne 0r skin peri0d..s0 its all trustin the pers0n thats laser hair removal Michigan d0i n it n h0w go0d they r..d0 al0t 0f research on the d0ct0r yu cho0se
Answer:umm its not the best or the worst way to go because you can totaly remove your hair but at the risk of burning yourself
Answer:YESSS GET! IT!!!!!it is amazing.... you can't feel a thing!!!!!!!!!!you'll laser hair removal Michigan love yourself that much more!!!!
Answer:You try it out and tell us.
Answer:it will leave scars i know
Answer:no. it costs alot and you have to keep on going back
Answer:it will sooo get rid of the hair and it sooo does not hurt it just looks scary!
Answer:i think it only lasts 6 weeks or 6 months but if its cheap than why not? its not laser removal its stunning laser hair removal Michigan the hair follicles with lasers so they don't grow. if thats what your talking about than it shouldnt scar.
Answer:yea it worksu should get a consultation with an office and they will tell U EVERY THING U NEED TO KNOW TRUST MEEE