I was thinking about getting the hair on my legs laser removed(?) . laser hair removal Michigan Does anyone have ANY informationWHere to go?What to look for?Cost?Pain?is it worth it?Personel experiences?
Answer:- You can go to Neoskin.http://www.neoskin.comwell it is not that painful... it actually feels funny... -it is around 300 -700 dolars...-it works in sessions, once a month and you cannot expose your skin to the sun 15 days after and 20 days before session... and if you plan wearing skirts you have to put some sunblock on your legs.It Depends on laser hair removal Michigan your skin, if it is too sensitive, you have to ask for a special machine.-This should have a lifetime guarantee, so if hair starts coming out again, you can ask for another sessions.- I've been going for about a year, and it is worth it, just that it a slow process an d there is no risk... the worst thing laser hair removal Michigan you can expect is that if you were exposed to laser hair removal Michigan the sun before a session, you'll get irritated skin, but it won't last more than a day. -People that works in this should be professional dermatologists, so that if you have an odd reaction you can ask them what to do.
Answer:I had great results from 4 treatments that I had 6 years ago and laser hair removal Michigan the pain wasn't worth mentioning. Go to someone with experience who has new equipment. Other than that, go to http://www.hairRemovalForum.com. It has tons of info on LHR and it has a provider directory for all of North laser hair removal MichiganAmerica. If a provider receives poor results from in depth surveys of previous customers, the provider i s removed from the site.Good Luck.
Answer:I've had laser hair removal done on my face and also my bikini area. It is expensive. Be sure the person who does it is a certified cosmotologist or even better yet, a dermatologist. If they do it wrong, they can leave burn scars. The most important thing is to find a reputable place that performs laser hair removal.It works best on dark laser hair removal Michigan hair with light skin. The laser recognizes the dark hair and zaps the root. You'll have to do several laser hair removal Michigan treatments (at least 4x) before it completely gets rid of the hair, so it could be rather pricey. If you have blonde hairs, it won't work.I have dark hair with dark skin and it also changes the pigment of your skin leaving you with blotchy skin sometimes, but eventually it goes away.The pain is medium to minimal. laser hair removal Michigan It's really not that bad. They use the laser machine and it feels like a really hot blast of heat followed by a cold blast of frozen air. The cost can be close to $500 each session. Google online "laser hair removal" and your city. You should get a few places on the list.It worked for my facial hair laser hair removal Michigan but a few spots came back. It might be worth it to you, but another option is waxing, which lasts up to 4 weeks.