I am currently taking laser hair removal sessions and I use laser hair removal Michigan a numbing cream Esracain Cream 5%. Very hard for me to bare the pain even with the numbing cream. Sometime the pain is horrific and they bring the laser setting down a bit for me. Even after they bring the setting laser hair removal Michigan down I bare with the pain. I got a call today from the laser place telling me that they will need to bring the laser power up ( Horrific Pain Level) in order for me to get results or my contract would be void with them. Would Vicodin / Lortab 500MG do the trick along with the numbing cream?> Is it recommended? Is it safe? Would I feel pain?
Answer:Those meds are meant for muscle pain not skin irritation. Just grin and bear it, beauty can be painful but laser hair removal Michigan we have to do what we have to laser hair removal Michigan do to get there. I had it done too and yes it does hurt. They tell you it feels like your being snapped with a rubber band, but it actually feels like your being snapped with a wet towel depending on how you deal with pain. The most sensitive area was under my laser hair removal Michigan nose, I jumped every time they zapped me. Just keep thinking to yourself that "it will be over soon" and how good your going to look.
Answer:Well, i've been in the laser removal field for 5 years now. I get a lot of clients that have a lot of pain. Just try to relax and think of something that would laser hair removal Michigan take your mind off of it. Don't take any Vicodin or Lortab. They ar e used for muscle pains not for skin irritations, I had a few clients ask me that and its not a good idea, you could take tyenol or advil 1 hour before your session. Try to finish the sessions but if your in that much of a pain then I guess you can cancel your sessions.
Answer:Look, you chose laser hair removal Michigan to do the procedure, and yes, it hurts. So suck it up, or don't finish the treatments if you can't handle the pain.